# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # All kinds of body heat and taste will be more obvious in summer than in winter, and oral care is the top priority. PWU fragrance toothpaste is very refreshing after use, the toothpaste is shiny and beautiful, and it is easy to foam. The name is Mint Mojito, but the mint taste is not spicy. It is a big can, but it can be used for a long time, and the effect of removing bad taste in the mouth is not bad. Are you like me: Drinking a mojito feels like toothpaste mixed with water Brushing your teeth with a pwu mojito is more like gargling with a mojito Hahaha.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 夏天各种体热和味道都会比冬季更明显,口腔护理更是重中之重。 PWU香氛牙膏用后很清爽,牙膏闪亮亮的很好看,也很容易起泡。 名字是薄荷莫吉托,但薄荷味道不辣口,很大一罐可是用很久,去口腔异味效果还不错。 有没有像我一样:喝莫吉托感觉好像牙膏兑水了 用pwu莫吉托刷牙反而更像含着莫吉托在漱口 哈哈哈。