# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Recently, I bought the sachima that I loved when I was a child from YAMI Yami, and it was also produced by Hsu Fu Chi, I love it! Known as the "Golden Signboard of Twenty Years", Hsu Fu Kee was founded in 1978 and has always been well-loved. The New Year's Candy and Crispy Heart Candy are a must-have for the New Year! Hsu Fu Chi has developed three different shapes of sachima dough, with advanced production equipment and technology, to create a rich variety of sachima products! This time I bought a wide slice of sachima with a fluffy and soft taste, in addition to a sticky sachima with a tough and soft taste and a narrow slice of sachima with a crisp, glutinous and soft taste, each taste is worth trying. ! The Hsu Fu Kee Shaqima I bought at YAMI this time is a classic egg-flavored new recipe. There are 16 pieces of shaqima in a pack, which are ready to eat without sticking to your hands. It is very convenient whether you are at home or taking out. ! In my memory, there is another version of Hsu Fu Chi Shaqima that is added with sesame seeds, which tastes more delicious! The packaging of these two is very festive, and it is also a good gift!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 最近又在 YAMI 亚米 買到了小時候特別愛吃的沙琪瑪,而且還是 徐福记 出品,愛了! 被被譽為「二十年金字招牌」的 徐福记 始創於1978年,一直都深受喜愛,推出的新年糖喝酥心糖更是過年必備! 徐福记 傾心研製出三種不同形狀的沙琪瑪麵團,配合先進的生產設備與工藝,造就出豐富多樣的沙琪瑪產品!我這次購買的是擁有蓬鬆柔軟口感的寬片沙琪瑪,除此之外還有韌勁細軟口感的條狀沙琪瑪和酥鬆糯軟口感的窄片沙琪瑪,每一種口感都值得嘗試喔! 這次在 YAMI 亚米 買的 徐福记 沙琪瑪是新配方的經典雞蛋味,一包裡面有16塊獨立包裝的沙琪瑪,撕開即食不沾手,不管是居家還是帶著出門都很方便喔! 記憶中的 徐福记 沙琪瑪還有一款是加入芝麻的,吃起來更香喔!這兩款的包裝都很喜慶,也是一個不錯的禮品啦!