# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The Genji Water Mill Soft Spicy Slices that Yami bought are actually spicy tofu skins. To be honest, it tastes like spicy strips. It’s really delicious and top-notch. The only thing I have to complain about is that it’s too big. I didn't open my mouth, even if I wanted to eat it like eating a flatbread, it's not easy to bite because it's hard, so I'm a little worried!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 亚米买的这个源氏水磨软辣片,其实就是辣豆腐皮,老实说,也就是辣条的味道,好吃是真的好吃,也是很上头的,唯一要吐槽的就是,太大片了,没法下嘴,就算想像啃大饼一样吃也因为比较硬也不大容易咬断,有点愁啊!