# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Yami bought the Thailand Vitamilk Strawberry Flavored Soy Milk, which is known as the No.1 popular soy milk. I think some people may like it and some may not like it, because the soy milk taste is too heavy and sweet, so it tastes very thick and a little greasy, and the strawberry flavor is still good. Yes, but you can't really drink it without ice. Friends who love soy milk can serve it!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 亚米买的号称人气豆奶No.1的泰国Vitamilk维他奶草莓味豆奶我觉得可能有人会喜欢有人不喜欢,因为豆奶味太重了,很甜,所以喝起来很浓厚有点腻,草莓味还可以,但不加冰估计真的喝不下去,爱豆奶的小伙伴可以上!