# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Continue to talk about the cup from the previous article. This Francfranc mug is available in 2 colors. Pink and white. Just perfect for couples. Maybe you can use it yourself. Especially white men and women. The design of the cup is similar to that of a seashell. Ceramic texture. However, the mouth of the cup and the handle are inlaid with gold. Therefore, it is not recommended to microwave or oven. The real thing is really beautiful. Love the color too. The result I took was a little dark. The real thing will be brighter than the photo. It would be nice if there was a size option. This one only has half pint. It is more elegant. Suitable for afternoon tea.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 接上一篇的杯子继续说. 这款 Francfranc 马克杯有2颜色可选. 粉色和白色. 刚好适合情侣使用. 或许都自己用也可以. 特别是白色男女都可. 杯子的设计是类似贝壳的. 陶瓷质地. 不过杯口那和手柄有金镶着. 所以不建议微波炉或者烤箱. 实物真的很美. 颜色也很喜欢. 我拍出来的效果有点暗了. 实物会比照片亮一些. 如果有size选择就好了. 这款只有half pint.比较优雅. 适合用于下午茶这类的.