# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The most delicious dried bean curd, Jinduigu, the first taste is five-flavored As soon as I took a bite, I was stunned by its smoothness! How can there be such tender dried bean curd, like fish tofu The seasoning will not be so heavy, and the saltiness is moderate and super delicious!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 最好吃的豆干金堆谷,吃的第一个口味就是五香味的 一口下去就被它的滑嫩给惊呆了! 怎么有这么嫩的豆干,像鱼豆腐一样 调味也不会那么重口,咸淡适中超好吃!