# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # In the middle of the year, I got this sweet chestnut, which is labeled as Tianjin Open Smile, with a shell, and a slit in the middle, revealing the chestnut meat, as if laughing. The taste of chestnuts is very good. I have liked to eat chestnuts since I was a child. I have tried many varieties. The big ones are not necessarily good, and the small ones are usually sweeter. This chestnut variety is good, small, soft and glutinous, sweet and delicious. There is a slit in the middle, and it is easy to peel. It is baked instead of fried with sugar, so it will not stick to the hands and get dirty, and the fingers are clean after peeling.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 年中大促秒杀到了这款甘栗,标名为天津开口笑,带壳,中间做了切缝处理,露出板栗肉,像是在哈哈笑。 栗子的味道很不错,从小就很喜欢吃板栗,品种尝过不少,大个的味道不一定好,小个的通常更香甜。这款板栗品种不错,偏小,吃起来软糯,清甜可口。 中间有切缝,剥起来也容易,烤过而不是糖炒的,不会粘手弄脏,剥完手指也是干干净净的。