# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # It may be that I like condensed milk since I was a child, so I have a soft spot for Wangzai Cowboys that contain condensed milk. The main raw material of Wangzai denim is reconstituted milk. The popular word for reconstituted milk is to boil milk powder, and then add some condensed milk to it, so the fishy smell of the milk itself will be masked or weakened, so drinking Wangzai milk is not pure. The strong milky smell of milk, and the sweetness of condensed milk itself, who can resist this sweet taste? Over the years, the taste of Wangzai's milk has not changed. The moment the can is opened, there is a very fragrant condensed milk taste, and it tastes sweet. Wangzai milk is a nutritious milk drink, which can promote the growth of children, and has many health care functions such as increasing appetite, promoting sleep, and eliminating fatigue. I don't know if drinking Wangzai milk can also increase appetite, promote sleep, and relieve fatigue as an older child!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 可能是從小就比較喜歡煉奶吧,所以對含有煉奶成分的旺仔牛仔情有獨鍾。旺仔牛仔的主要原料為復原乳,復原乳說的通俗一點就是開水泡開奶粉,再在裡面加點煉奶,因此牛奶本身的腥味會被掩蓋或者減弱,所以喝起來旺仔牛奶並沒有純牛奶那種很重的奶腥味,再者煉奶本身自帶甜味,試問誰可以抗拒這種甜甜的味道呢? 這麼多年來,旺仔牛奶的味道還是沒變,在拉開易拉罐的那一刻,就是一陣很香的煉奶味道,喝起來甜甜的味道。旺仔牛奶是一種營養牛奶飲品,對小孩子的成長具有促進作用,有增食慾、促睡眠、祛疲勞等多項保健功能。不知道大齡兒童的我再喝旺仔牛奶是不是也能增食慾、促睡眠、祛疲勞呢!