# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # In the mid-year promotion, I repurchased this Le Kum Kee's tear stick bread. The brand of Le Kum Kee is not bad. I have tried wife cake and cheese sandwich bread before, and the amount is quite large. Although the taste is not amazing, it is still delicious. In general, it is a good quality and cheap type. The same is true for this bread, the taste is flawless, but it is affordable and easy to carry 👍
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 年中大促回购了这款乐锦记的撕棒面包。乐锦记这个牌子的东西都还不错,之前还尝试过老婆饼、芝士夹心面包,量都不少,味道虽算不上惊艳,但也还算好吃。总体来说,属于物美价廉型。这款面包也是这样,味道无功无过,但实惠又方便携带👍