# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I am a big salted egg yolk lover. I like egg yolk crisps, salted egg yolk chips, and salted egg yolk biscuits. This BESTORE's salted egg yolk biscuits are my first time to buy and they are not disappointed, they are delicious. Will repurchase later!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 我真是咸蛋黄超级爱好者。什么蛋黄酥,咸蛋黄薯片,咸蛋黄饼干我都喜欢。这款良品铺子的咸蛋黄饼干我是第一次购买,没有让我失望,很好吃。以后会回购!