# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Yunsunquan has tender bamboo shoots, a pack of which is 500g, and the bamboo shoots smell normal after opening the package. There is no special smell, and it can be used after a little rinsing. Bamboo shoots are tender and a little crunchy, and they are delicious in spicy hot pot or sliced fried meat.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 雲筍泉水嫩筍尖,一包份量超足的有500g,打開包裝筍子聞起來很正常,淡淡的沒特殊氣味,稍微沖洗一下就能用了。筍子質地嫩中帶點脆,煮麻辣燙火鍋或是切片炒肉都好吃。