# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Hong Kong Vita Vita Ceylon Lemon Tea, I was curious about the difference between Ceylon Lemon Tea and ordinary lemon tea, but it turned out to be slightly bitter in taste. This kind of bitterness is not quite the same as the bitterness of tea. It is like the bitterness of lemon peel, because it is not too heavy, and it is good to drink after being balanced with the sweetness and not too sweet.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 香港維他Vita錫蘭檸檬茶,原本還好奇錫蘭檸檬茶跟普通檸檬茶有什麼不同,原來是在滋味上帶了點微苦。這種苦跟茶的苦還不太一樣,像是檸檬皮的苦澀,因為不會太重,與甜味平衡後很好喝不會太甜。