# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Shuangxi Hot Pot Doupi, a must-have for hot pot, comes in a big box. It takes two people in my family to finish it. The cooked beancurd is soft and glutinous and delicious, one bite after another can’t stop! It is super satisfying to add a little when cooking snail powder or hot and sour powder!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 火锅必备的双喜火锅豆皮,很大一盒,我家两人吃两次才能吃完,涮好的豆皮口感软糯还很入味,一口接一口停不下来啊!煮螺狮粉或酸辣粉的时候加一点也超级满足啊!