# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # HeyTea, which has been planted for a long time, has not been able to go to the store to check in, but I didn't expect to be able to buy HEYTEA sparkling water at YAMI, so let's get it first! The one I bought is sea salt lychee flavored sugar-free sparkling water. When I unscrewed the bottle cap, I smelled a burst of lychee fragrance. When I poured it into the cup, I could see the bubbles and said that it was quite enough, full of healing. When you take the first sip, you can drink a faint lychee flavor, but also a little salty, the sea salt lychee flavor is correct! Overall, the taste is slightly sweet, and this sweetness should come from the sweetness of the real lychee juice added. It really tastes full of lychee fruit! This sea salt lychee flavored sugar-free sparkling water is marked with 0 fat, 0 calories and 0 calories. A 500ml bottle contains vitamin C that meets the daily needs of adults, as well as niacin and vitamin B6. Vitamin C has antioxidant effects, vitamin B6 contributes to the metabolism and utilization of protein, and niacin is an indispensable component in energy metabolism. I don't know if it's really so nutritious, but it's absolutely true! One-day vitamin C, not only zero sugar, drink after refrigerated, refreshing and more steaming. In addition to the lychee flavor I bought, this series also has sea salt flavor, pineapple flavor, Kyoho grape flavor and Okayama white peach flavor!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 被種草了很久的喜茶,雖然一直沒能到門店去打卡,沒想到居然在 YAMI 亚米 能買到了喜茶的氣泡水,就先拿下吧! 我買到的這款是海鹽荔枝味無糖氣泡水,擰開瓶蓋的時候有聞到一陣荔枝香味,倒入杯子的時候能看到氣泡還說挺足的,滿滿的治癒感。喝下第一口的時候能喝到淡淡的荔枝味,還帶著一點點咸味,是海鹽荔枝味無誤了啦!整體來說口感是微甜,而這一份甜應該是來自加入的真荔枝果汁的甜吧,喝起來確實是荔枝果香十足! 這款海鹽荔枝味無糖氣泡水標註著0脂0卡0熱量,一瓶500毫升,含有滿足成人每日所需的維生素C,同時含有煙酸、維生素B6。維生素C有抗氧化作用,維生素B6有助於蛋白質的代謝和利用,而煙酸是能量代謝中不可缺少的成分。不知道是不是真的如此營養豐富,但好喝是絕對真的! 一日維C,不只零糖,冷藏後飲用,爽口更來汽。這個系列除了我買的這款荔枝味,還有海鹽味、菠蘿味、巨峰葡萄味和岡山白桃味喔!