# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Friends who like spicy turkey noodles, don't miss this sauce! The pink jar has the same flavor as the pink instant noodle bag, South Korea's Samyang Creamy Spicy Turkey, you can get the same deliciousness by cooking the noodles yourself and mixing a little, and the canned ones can control the amount of sauce by themselves, if you want to eat them Spicy or bland is fine.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 喜歡吃辣火雞麵的朋友們,不要錯過這個醬啊!粉色罐子的與粉色泡麵袋子是同款口味,韓國三養奶油辣火雞,自己煮好麵加一點拌一拌就能得到相同的美味,而且罐裝的能自己控制醬的多寡,想吃辣點或清淡點都沒問題。