# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The most important thing in summer is sun protection and whitening! Not only external maintenance, but also internal whitening can try Poria! The Poria Cream from Fangjia Shop is so convenient! Individually packaged, just the right amount, most of them are eaten directly, and sometimes they are used to drizzle on muffins or toasts for breakfast. Generally, people eat honey with jam, and use our Chinese wisdom to use them. How about Poria paste! And more nutrition, great!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 夏天最重要的事情莫過於防曬及美白!不僅是外在的保養,內在的美白可以試試茯苓!方家鋪子的茯苓膏好方便!獨立包裝,一條剛剛好的份量,我大多數是直接打開就吃,有時候會拿來淋在早餐的鬆餅或吐司上面,一般人家都是吃蜂蜜塗果醬,運用我們中國人的智慧用茯苓膏怎麼樣!又多了更多的營養,超棒的!