# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The sour soup and fat beef soup is yellow because of the yellow lantern pepper in the ingredients, of course, the soup is spicy. The sour soup fat beef in the kitchen has adjusted the soup base, and the rest is simple. Boil a pot of water, put the ingredients in the bag, and then add the beef sliced enoki mushrooms and other side dishes. This pot boiled spicy and fresh, and at the end I added noodles and even drank the soup.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 酸湯肥牛湯是黃色的,因為材料裡有黃燈籠辣椒,當然湯頭因此是辣的。下廚房的酸湯肥牛把湯底調好了,剩下的事情就簡單啦,煮一鍋水把料包放入,然後把牛肉片金針菇,還有其他配菜加入就行了。這一鍋煮出來又辣又鮮,最後又加了麵條連湯都喝光了。