# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # When I received this package of biscuits, it looked a bit miserable, and I felt discouraged. Fortunately, it tasted good after opening. Be sure to eat crispy rice crisps, which are the small crisps that I was familiar with when I was a child. The sauce-burning taste is salty and sweet, and the mini is small and very crispy. It is delicious and will not stop.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 我這包餅乾收到時看著有點淒慘啊,感覺洩氣了,好在打開後味道是好的。一定要吃脆米酥,就是小時候熟悉的小小酥,醬燒口味鹹中帶點甜,迷你小又很脆,很好吃會停不下來的那種。