# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Who can resist the temptation of instant noodles! Anyway, I can't keep my mouth shut, not only as a dinner, but sometimes I feel like it's a late night snack. The dried meat noodles are quite good, the taste can be drooling in every country, and there is no pressure to eat a small portion.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 誰能抗拒的了方便面的誘惑!反正我是管不住嘴,不光是當正餐,有時候感覺來了還當宵夜呢。肉燥乾麵就挺不錯的,味道十里八鄉都能流口水,小小一份吃光沒壓力。