# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Vape repellent really works! ! Blue version: citrus flavor Pink: peach flavor It can be used for babies over 6 months old, the mosquito repellent effect is 4-5 hours, the smell is good and not pungent, I have been spraying since I entered the season of showing arms and legs, especially when walking the baby into the grass, I have to spray the baby and my legs and arms 360 degrees without dead ends, except for one time I forgot to spray and was bitten by a mosquito or a bug. , At present, the blue bottle has not been used yet, indicating that it is indeed effective. Just bought the pink bottle, ready to open the blue bottle after use up, looking forward to the sweet peaches of pink powder. Now that vape has become a necessity for my family to go out in summer, I feel safe with it.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Vape 驱虫液真的有用!! 蓝色款:柑橘味 粉色款:水蜜桃味 都是6个月以上宝宝就可用,驱蚊效果4-5小时,味道好闻不刺鼻, 进入露胳膊露腿的季节后就一直在喷,尤其遛娃进草地时更要360度无死角把娃和自己腿和手臂喷一遍,除了有一次忘记喷被不知道是蚊子还是虫子叮了一次,目前蓝色瓶使用下来还未中招,说明确实有效。粉色瓶刚买,准备蓝色瓶用完就开启,期待粉粉甜甜的水蜜桃。现在vape已经成为我家夏天外出的必需品,有它就有安全感。