# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The vine pepper-flavored melon seeds are crispy, fragrant and a little numb in texture. If you eat too much, you will feel the power of peppercorns, and your mouth will really feel numb. The selection of raw materials for the melon seeds is just fine, the particles are very full, and the stale ones are rarely eaten, and I am satisfied as always. I still prefer the sweet taste though.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 藤椒味的瓜子,質地好酥香又帶點麻,吃多了就感受到花椒的威力,嘴真的會發麻。恰恰瓜子挑選原料蠻好的,顆粒都很飽滿,很少吃到不新鮮的,一如既往的滿意。不過我還是更喜歡甜的口味。