# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # There are never too many consumables like toothpaste. After all, there are so many foodies at home, and it takes minutes to consume toothpaste! Lion toothpaste is an old brand. This pearl enzyme toothpaste, in addition to the fragrant floral mint, feels very cool after brushing, and has a whitening effect. Contains fluoride to prevent tooth decay.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 牙膏這種消耗品永遠都不嫌多,畢竟家裡那麼多吃貨,消耗牙膏不是分分鐘嘛!獅王牙膏是老牌子了,這一款珍珠酵素牙膏,除了有芬芳的花香薄荷,刷完覺得很清涼,還有美白的效果。裡面有添加氟的成分,預防蛀牙。