# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I thought it was a big bag, but the radish is actually quite heavy, and a small bag of 150 grams was packed. The Wujiang mustard series are very delicious. This time, I will try the crispy radish, marinated into a bright yellow color. The taste is good, a little crispy and sweet and spicy.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 原本以為很大包,其實蘿蔔挺重的,150克一小包就裝下了。烏江榨菜系列都很好吃,這次就試試脆口蘿蔔,醃製成亮澄的黃色,口感不錯,有點脆且是甜辣型的,好好吃,超級下飯!