# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I have been curious about this mite removal bag for a long time, and I don't know how it works, but the smell is very fragrant and pleasant, with a plant smell of wormwood. A small package that can be used dry and hang directly with clothes so that bugs don't want to get close. It can also be used wet. After soaking in hot water, use it to soak your feet. After soaking your feet, there is a faint smell of wormwood that is not pungent.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 這個除蟎包我已經好奇很久了,不知道功效怎麼樣,不過味道是很清香好聞,一股艾草的植物味。一包小小的,可以乾用,直接跟衣物掛在一起,讓蟲子不想靠近。也可以濕用,泡過熱水後拿來泡泡腳,泡完腳上是一股淡淡的艾草味不刺鼻。