# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # My friends who love shrimp chips are probably the same as me. They should be quite old. When we were young, shrimp chips were almost a dish that could be served to entertain guests! The Korean NONGSHIM low-calorie shrimp chips bought by Yami can not only recall my childhood memories, but also taste as good as I remembered. I've always wanted to drink water, but I still like it.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 爱吃虾片的小伙伴估计都跟我一样,应该年纪不小啦,我们小的时候虾片还差不多是招待客人用的可以上桌的一盘菜呢!亚米买的韩国NONGSHIM农心低卡路里虾片,不仅能唤回我儿时的回忆,而且真的和记忆中一样好吃,这款虾片还是低卡的比较健康,味道偏清淡,不会吃了一直想喝水,还是很喜欢的。