# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Korean three-in-one egg rolls, the sesame is delicious, each one is good, the taste is solid and crisp, it is a bit later than the ordinary egg rolls, the plastic box is a bit sweet and hard, but the children eat it with relish. Teeth Be careful if the meat is not good, it is good to change the taste of ordinary egg rolls when you are tired of eating occasionally.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 韩国三进蛋卷,芝麻的好好吃,每一个都好好的,口感扎实酥脆, 比普通的那些蛋卷更后些,塑料盒子装的,有点偏甜硬,但小孩子吃得津津有味.牙肉不好的要小心,偶尔吃腻了普通蛋卷换换口味还是不错的.