# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Aroma is a very cost-effective brand. Many kitchen utensils at home are from Aroma's family. I have used the Aroma rice cooker before, which is very useful. It is not large enough to cook 4 cups of raw rice, which is 8 cups of cooked rice. I have used it for several times. The year is broken, this time I bought another Aroma rice cooker at a discount and I plan to take it out when I go camping.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Aroma是性价比很高的品牌,家里有很多厨具都是aroma家的,之前用过Aroma饭锅很好用,体积不大可以焖4杯生米,也就是8杯熟米的量,用了好几年坏了,这次Aroma饭锅打折又买了一个打算露营时带出门。