# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Watch the Lululun Basic Blue Deep Moisturizing Mask from Japan for $0.10 from the live seckill event. After applying it for 10 minutes, the skin feels very moisturizing, but the size of the mask needs to be adjusted. See picture 3. The distance between the eyes is too close, so I cut it with scissors Open the corners of the eyes and the end of the eyes, and avoid the eyes 🥺
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 看直播秒杀活动$0.10抢到的日本Lululun基础版蓝色深层补水面膜,敷脸10分钟后有感觉皮肤很滋润,但是面膜的尺寸有待调整,看图3~眼距太近了,我用剪刀剪开了眼角和眼尾位置,才避开了眼睛的🥺