# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The whole package of Fangjie Wugang Spicy Braised Fragrant Dried Dried Tofu is a little hard to eat. It is not the kind of soft dried tofu. It is more tooth-consuming, but the taste is still good. When you are leisure, you can watch TV and grind your teeth at the same time. Still a good snack. That is, the package must be eaten, otherwise it will be harder after drying.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 整包装一袋的芳姐武冈香辣卤香干,吃起来稍微有点硬,不是那种松软型的豆干,比较费牙,但是味道还是不错的,休闲的时候,一边看电视,一边磨磨牙还算是个不错的零食。就是开包必须得吃完,不然风干以后就更硬了。