# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # This seaweed and crab roe sandwich roll is delicious, crispy and delicious. The seaweed roll is wrapped on the outside, and the filling is like egg roll + meat floss. There is crab roe flavor, sweet and a little salty in it. There are finger thickness, a few mouthfuls, very delicious.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 这款海苔蟹黄夹心卷味道不错,香酥可口。海苔卷在外面裹着,夹心像是蛋卷+肉松。有蟹黄味,甜里面还有些许咸味。有手指粗细,几口一个,挺好吃的。