# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I like all kinds of products from Fangjia Shop, none of them stepped on the thunder, each of them is good! Seeing the discount of dried seafood dried shrimp, I quickly bought one. This order is made of live shrimp. The meat is firm and chewy. It is dried in the sun to retain the original flavor of the shrimp. it is good.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 我喜欢方家铺子的各种产品,都没有踩雷的,每个都不错!看到海产干货大虾仁打折,火速买了一个,这个下单是用活虾做原料,肉质紧实,有嚼劲,用晾晒烘干保留了虾子的原汁原味,真材实料,品质非常好。