# 2022亚米月饼大赏 #This is the first time I bought this double yellow and white lotus seed paste mooncake at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The price on YAMI is very cheap. A box is only over 20 knives, which is of high quality and low price. I bought two boxes and the other one for relatives. The red and bright paper gift box packaging looks very festive, and it is very decent whether it is a gift or a self-keep. The word "go home" on the packaging can't help but remind me of my hometown, and there is a hint of sadness in that moment, I really want to go home and have a look. A gift box of 4 pieces, each 150g, is individually packaged in a carton. The filling is fresh, the lotus seed paste is fragrant, it is not too sweet and greasy, and it is soft and smooth. I personally think this one is more delicious than the one I bought at Costco at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The Costco one is sweeter and greasy for me. Some. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon🥮, and I will definitely continue to repurchase this year.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 #元初这款双黄白莲蓉月饼我是第一次买, YAMI 亚米上的价格很便宜,一盒才20多刀,物美价廉。我买了两盒,另一盒送亲戚。 红彤彤的纸礼盒包装看起来非常喜庆,无论送礼还是自留都非常得体。包装上的“回家”两字不禁让我思念起我的故乡,霎那间有股淡淡的忧伤,真想回家看看。 礼盒一盒4个,每个150g,都是纸盒独立包装。馅料新鲜,莲蓉味香,不会过于甜腻,软绵绵的好香滑,我个人觉得吧这款元初比之前我在 Costco 买的更好吃,Costco的那款对我来说较甜腻一些。很快又到中秋了🥮,今年肯定还会继续回购哒。