Pancake Lab: What's in Pancake's Home (Eyeliner)

Hello everyone, sometimes the singles are prolific, and sometimes the cakes that have been constipated for a few weeks are here again( ´< span class="s1">▽` )

Seeing the various pola, the high-end products of Lamei, which were posted earlier, The poor peasant cake is shivering. But in order to share (win) points (accumulate) and share (points), I will come Post your own dresser.⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄

Well, messy.

Panzi likes to store stockpiles and daily cosmetics separately. Stock Goods are generally stored in drawers to avoid dust accumulation.. Acrylic small drawers are used for daily use, and then folded Putting it all together. 

A small drawer of blush highlights for obsessive-compulsive storage

This is today's eyeliner team

Come for an unprofessional color test

Eyeliner articles

(color test without filter)

Although there is no filter, but the scheminggirlcake uses the inside of the arm to Try the color, the reason you know(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)

Ok back to the topic, top to bottom.

Love Liner X Sanrio

Water resistance 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Quick dryness 🌟🌟🌟

Removal of makeup 🌟🌟

Ease of removal 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Love linerThe liquid eyeliner from home is really my favorite, fast drying, waterproof You can keep it after you print it.. Remove makeup is relatively easy, just remove the eye and lip on a cotton pad, apply on the eye area 1, 2minutes, just wipe it off, and the rest is done with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.

I bought this in collaboration withSanrioI bought it< span class="s2">little twin starsblack andmelodyThe pink model. The pink model is just used to draw the lower eyeliner, with eye makeup, perfect innocent makeup< span class="s2">.

K-Palette 1 Day Tatoo

Water resistance 🌟🌟🌟

Quick dryness 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Removal of makeup 🌟

Easy Removal 🌟🌟🌟

This liquid eyeliner is also a well-deserved industry conscience, except that the nib is a little long, which is a test for beginners' control, the rest is very good. and cheaper thanlove liner, a student favorite< /span>. For my favorite eyeliners, I usually buy two, and use different colors to match eye makeup. 

Pieces who pursue natural makeup do not draw eyeliner most of the time, or only draw inner eyeliner. Because the inner double eyelid is very serious and there is no habit of using double eyelid stickers, black eyeliner sometimes directly makes the poor double eyelid invisible. . . span>At this time, a non-black eyeliner is needed to assist, especially brown🏾, I personally think that with the same color mascara, the eye makeup will be more natural. Fairies who don't like black and obvious eyeliner We can start with brown.


Water resistance 🌟🌟🌟

Quick Drying 🌟🌟

Removal of makeup 🌟🌟🌟

Ease of removal 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Stila's eyeliner is actually pretty good, with a short, easy-to-control tip for beginners. No matter what my oily skin is sincerehold Too easy to remove makeup. Basically after a few hours of makeup, the end of the eyeliner will disappear without a trace .


(color test without filter)

Stila(solid eyeliner)

Water resistance 🌟

Quick Drying 🌟🌟

Removal of makeup 🌟🌟🌟

Ease of removal 🌟🌟

StilaThis pen is great for smoky makeup but is a disaster for oily pancakes. The tip of the pen is too thick, it is easy to stain, and it is easy to remove makeup. The scariest thing is that this eyeliner is hard to remove when removing makeup. A normal liquid eyeliner Makeup remover will form a small slag, just wipe it off. But this one is just removing and polluting at the same time< span class="s2">. Anyway, if you want to experience the feeling of crying black tears, just buy it and try it. I respect you as a man (hand over). span>

As bad as it sounds,Midnight Blue is the shade I really like Love. To tell the truth I used it firstMidnight Blue span>, I fell in love with the smooth feel of this eyeliner, and I just entered the black color. Although this shade is useless for me who pursues natural makeup, I still silently collect it.

Marc Jacobs

Water resistance 🌟

Quick dryness 🌟🌟🌟

Removal of makeup 🌟🌟🌟

Ease of removal 🌟🌟🌟🌟

The same smooth nib has the same texture, this one seems to beS*ph*rabirthday gift set. It's very useful, except for easy makeup removal, no harm.. Small one is great for commuting.

Miss Hana

Water resistance 🌟

Quick Drying 🌟

Removal of makeup 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Easy Removal 🌟🌟🌟

This is a fighter in the makeup removal disaster pen, compared toStila Even more than that. Top of the list for removing makeup. < /span>I found another use silently when I was about to give it up.

This eyeliner in the shadeStar Brown has a little Shimmering gold, it is perfect to match with the eyeshadow with the same glitter.. Especially choose a darker color for the base color of the eyeshadow, use This starlight brown is used as eyeliner and then smudged, and it transitions perfectly with eyeshadow. The effect is much better than using black or brown eyeliner. It's so natural.. p>

Paul & Joe

Water resistance 🌟🌟

Quick dryness 🌟🌟🌟

Removal of makeup 🌟🌟

Easy Removal 🌟🌟🌟

Paul & JoeThis eyeliner was my favorite when I was out of school, and I repurchase countless . Smooth, thin peaks, very suitable for my trembling hands. If you prefer to use crayon type eyeliner, but suffer from too thick tip The fairies who draw eyeliner at the end, I really recommend this one.

The color swatches above are actually really bad for this eyeliner. Because I haven't used it for a long time, it has dried to the point that it is difficult to paint, and I painted it after I just removed the liquid eyeliner to test the color, which makes the brushing not smooth.. But this eyeliner with a thin peak and easy control is really good.

In general, liquid eyeliners generally hold better than solid eyeliners, but the control of the brush-like tip requires more practice. If the solid eyeliner is easy to smudge, you can also try to blend it with eyeshadow to make other changes.< /span>

This issue of Pancake Dresser This concludes the eyeliner chapter. Thank you for reading my nonsense, and thank you Momo Sauce for urging me to update with "Remove makeup without updating".

I am Panzi, see you next time( ´< span class="s2">` )

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餅子實驗室 之餅子的家裡有什麼(眼線筆篇)

大家好,時而曬單多產,時而便秘幾週的餅子又來啦( ´` )

看到前面曬單的各種pola、臘梅兒的高端貨,貧農餅瑟瑟發抖. 但是本著曬單齊(贏)分(積)享(分),我就來發一下自己的梳妝台吧.⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄


餅子喜歡把囤貨和日常隨手用的化妝品分開存放. 囤貨一般都收在抽屜裡,免積灰. 每天要用的就用亞克力小抽屜們收納,然後疊放在一起. 








Love Liner X Sanrio

防水性 🌟🌟🌟🌟

快乾度 🌟🌟🌟

脫妝度 🌟🌟

易卸度 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Love liner家出的液體眼線筆真的是我的最愛,速乾,防水好,眼皮出油後基本用粉餅印一印就能繼續保持. 卸妝也相對輕鬆,把眼唇卸倒在化妝棉上,敷眼部12分鐘,輕輕一抹基本就掉了,剩下的用棉籤沾卸妝液處理一下就好了.

這款和Sanrio的合作款我買了little twin stars的黑色款和melody的粉色款. 粉色款剛好用來畫下眼線,配合眼妝,完美無辜妝.

K-Palette 1 Day Tatoo

防水性 🌟🌟🌟

快乾度 🌟🌟🌟🌟

脫妝度 🌟

易卸度 🌟🌟🌟

這款液體眼線筆也是當之無愧的業界良心,除了筆尖有點長,對初學者的控制有考驗以外,其餘都很好. 而且比love liner便宜,學生時期的最愛. 對於愛用的眼線筆一般我會直接收兩支,不同顏色搭配眼妝. 

追求自然妝容的餅其實大部分時間不太畫眼線,或者只畫內眼線. 因為內雙很嚴重,又沒有用雙眼皮貼的習慣,黑色眼線有時會直接讓小的可憐的雙眼皮直接隱形. 這時候就很需要非黑色的眼線筆來輔助了,特別是棕色🏾,個人覺得配合同色系睫毛膏會令眼妝更加自然. 不喜歡黑黑的明顯眼線的仙女們可以入手棕色.


防水性 🌟🌟🌟

快乾度 🌟🌟

脫妝度 🌟🌟🌟

易卸度 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Stila的眼線筆其實很不錯,筆尖較短易控制,很適合初學者. 無論我這個大油皮真心hold不住,太容易脫妝了. 基本上妝幾小時後眼線末端就會消失的沒影沒蹤.




防水性 🌟

快乾度 🌟🌟

脫妝度 🌟🌟🌟

易卸度 🌟🌟

Stila的這款筆非常適合煙燻妝,但對油皮的餅子來說簡直災難. 筆頭太粗,很容易沾色,很容易脫妝. 最可怕的是這款眼線筆卸妝的時候很難卸乾淨. 一般液體眼線筆卸妝都會結成小渣渣,抹去就可以了. 但這款簡直是一邊卸一邊污染. 反正想體驗那種哭出黑淚感覺的妹子,就買來嘗試吧,我敬你是條漢子(拱手)

雖然說得那麼差,但Midnight Blue的色號真是我心頭愛. 實不相瞞我是先用了Midnight Blue,愛上這眼線筆的順滑手感,才入的黑色. 雖然這色號對追求自然妝容的我是無用武之地,但我還是默默收藏了.

Marc Jacobs

防水性 🌟

快乾度 🌟🌟🌟

脫妝度 🌟🌟🌟

易卸度 🌟🌟🌟🌟

同樣是順滑筆尖的使用質感,這支好像是S*ph*ra的生日禮品套裝. 挺好用的,除了易脫妝,沒什麼壞處. 小小一支很適合通勤用.

Miss Hana

防水性 🌟

快乾度 🌟

脫妝度 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

易卸度 🌟🌟🌟

這支是脫妝災難筆中的戰鬥機,跟Stila比有過之而無不及. 脫妝排行榜長居首位. 在我即將棄掉之際默默發現了另一個用處.

這支色號為星光棕的眼線筆,帶有一點點閃金色,和同樣帶閃的眼影搭配簡直完美. 特別是眼影的底色選擇偏深邃的顏色,用這支星光棕做眼線再暈染開,和眼影完美過渡,效果比用黑色或棕色眼線好非常多,簡直自然到不行.

Paul & Joe

防水性 🌟🌟

快乾度 🌟🌟🌟

脫妝度 🌟🌟

易卸度 🌟🌟🌟

Paul & Joe的這支眼線筆曾經是我出學時期的大愛,回購無數支. 順滑,筆峰很細,很適合手抖的我. 如果偏愛用crayon型的眼線筆,但又苦於筆尖太粗難以畫眼線收尾的仙女們,真心推薦收了這支.

上面的試色圖其實真心委屈這支眼線筆了. 由於太久沒有用,它已經乾到很難上色,而且是在剛卸完液體眼線筆試色之後再畫,更顯得下筆的不流暢. 但這支筆峰細且易控制的眼線筆真的很不錯.

總體來說,液體眼線筆的持妝程度普遍要比固體眼線筆好,但對毛筆狀筆尖的控制要多練習. 固體眼線筆如果遇到易暈染的,也可以嘗試和眼影融合,作其他改變.

這期的餅子梳妝台 眼線筆篇就到此完結啦,感謝大家看我的廢話,也感謝抹布醬以「不更新就要直播卸妝」來督促我更新.

我是餅子,咱們下期見( ´` )