# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Chen Yunbaoquan Hundreds of Thousands of Two Black Bean Paste and Egg Yolk Crisp 8pcs As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, it happens that this half-price promotion, although the validity period is a bit short, is not inferior to any egg yolk bean paste mooncakes, and the price is high. The packaging is the traditional gift box style, and each capsule is individually packaged. From the name, I thought it was made of black bean paste, but only after reading the description did I know that it was made from Taiwan's local red beans. Following the ancient method, the oily black bean paste was made by complicated handcraft. The black bean paste egg yolk crisp has a soft skin, clear layers, and melts in the mouth. Cut gently with a knife, it is easy to spread, the bean paste has a mellow taste and dense quality, the salted egg yolk is not too salty, the salsa tastes very good, and the skin is also dotted with a few black sesame seeds. The downside is that the bean paste is a bit sweet, and the expiration date is approaching. Hope to have three packs in the future.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 陈允宝泉亿万两乌豆沙蛋黄酥8粒装 中秋节将近,碰巧这款半价促销,虽然有效期有点短,但也不输任何蛋黄豆沙月饼,而且性价比高。 包装是传统的礼盒样式,每粒独立包装。 看名字以为是乌豆制作的豆沙,看说明才知道是用台湾本地红豆为原料,遵循古法,以繁复手工制成油亮乌金的乌豆沙。 乌豆沙蛋黄酥表皮酥软,层次分明,入口即化。用刀切要温柔,很容易散开,豆沙味道醇厚,品质绵密,咸蛋黄口感不会太咸,沙沙的口感很好,表皮上还点缀着几颗黑芝麻。 不足的是豆沙有点偏甜,有效期也快到了。希望以后能出三粒装的。