# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # The moon cakes in Daoxiang Village are absolutely unique! I want to eat traditional black sesame mooncakes🥮, but before I place the order, it is out of stock! how so fast... Finally bought this Su-style black hemp nuts instead. Not the same as the old-fashioned mooncakes, but not bad! Everyone can try it! But my favorite is still the old-fashioned and Beijing-style mooncakes 🥮.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 稻香村的月饼都是绝绝子!想吃传统的黑芝麻月饼🥮,还没等我下单呢,断货了!怎么这么快… 最后买了这个苏式的黑麻果仁的代替。虽然和老式的月饼不一样,但也不错!大家可以试一试!但我最喜欢的还是老式和京式的月饼🥮。