# 方家铺子 # # 我的囤货清单 # #AddictiveAsianSnack # #亚米厨房# As the saying goes, "Eat radish in winter, eat ginger in summer, and drink mushroom soup all year round." In the cold winter, a pot of warm mushroom soup is not only fragrant and not greasy, but also rich in various amino acids needed by the human body. Soup is very beneficial to the human body, it can supplement a variety of vitamins and minerals, and improve immunity! Shiitake mushrooms are the most common among edible mushrooms, and they are commoners among mushrooms, while flower mushrooms are the rarest among them, and they can be called nobles in the mushroom world. As an old brand of dry goods in China, 方家铺子 is really trustworthy, 方家铺子 mushrooms, selected mature mushrooms, rich taste, strong fragrance gloomy. Simply put, dry goods, just buy their home!
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# 方家铺子 # # 我的囤货清单 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 亚米厨房 # 俗话说“冬吃萝卜,夏吃姜,一年四季喝菌汤”,寒冷的冬天里煲上一锅暖呼呼的菌汤,不仅清香不油腻,而且菌汤中富含人体所需的多种氨基酸,菌汤对人体的益处很大,可以补充多种维生素和矿物质,提高免疫力! 香菇是食用菌里面最常见的,是菌菇中的平民,而花菇却是香菇里面最罕见的,堪称香菇界的贵族。 作为国内干货老品牌,方家铺子是真值得信赖,方家铺子花菇,精选成熟菇朵,口感丰富,菌香浓郁。简单说,干货,买他们家就对了!