# 亚米日本仓中意好物 # I have been planting this ASTALIFT from Japan for a long time. It has been recommended for a long time. It was first recommended in the variety show I am a big beauty. Later, Sister Lang also recommended it. This time, it is finally in Yami The Japanese warehouse is taken. Japan directly to the home. From the order to the receipt. It is about 5 working days. The logistics speed is quite fast. ASTALIFT Sunscreen Beauty Serum SPF50+ PA++++ can last for 12 hours. The amount of one bottle is 30g. This is an upgraded version. The main functions are not only sunscreen, anti-ultraviolet, but also anti-photoaging. It can also be used as a primer. The cap (pic 8) is interesting. It can detect UV rays. When exposed to UV rays, it turns purple. When not exposed, it turns white. Let's talk about the experience of use. Its ductility is very good. It can quickly and evenly spread to the skin with a light push. The texture is also quite light. It will not feel heavy after use. .Other parts do not have this trouble. The reason I like it is that it has a touch-up effect. It can also cover some fine lines. It reduces the burden on the follow-up makeup. It is very suitable for our Asian skin tone. It contains multiple beauty ingredients. Such as astaxanthin, collagen, etc. can nourish the skin. Now 17% off ing. Very recommended.
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# 亚米日本仓中意好物 # 种草来自日本的这款ASTALIFT·艾诗缇的净皙钻白深层防晒美容液很久了.最早是在综艺我是大美人里看见推荐的.后来浪姐王心凌也推荐.这次终于在亚米日本仓拿下了.日本直接到家.从下单到收到.大概就是5个工作日.物流速度蛮快的. ASTALIFT 艾诗缇 防晒美容液SPF50+ PA++++ 可维持12小时之久.一支的量有30g.这支是升级版的.主要功效除了防晒.抗紫外线.还有抗光老化.润色隔离和养肤提亮等.也可以当作妆前乳使用.这支的盖子(图8)很有趣.它能够侦测到紫外线.照射到紫外线对时候就会变成紫色.没有照射时候就会变回白色. 接着说说使用感受吧.它的延展性很好.轻轻一推就能快速均匀涂抹皮肤.质地也蛮轻盈的.使用起来不会觉得厚重.上脸的话.除了T字部位有一丢丢油.其它部位到没有这个困恼.我喜欢它的原因是它有润色效果.还能够遮住一些细纹.为后续的上妆减轻负担.很适合我们亚洲人的肤色.里面含有多重美容成分.如虾青素.胶原蛋白等可以养肤的. 现在87折ing.蛮推荐的.