# 我的囤货清单 # # 方家铺子 # # 日常回购 # # 健康养生 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationf412da7 5ce34402fbbb81581ca6e4c6d# Promise me, you must try this one! We all know that five black foods can nourish the liver, nourish the kidney and strengthen the spleen, blacken hair and strengthen it, soften blood vessels and resist aging. Then you must try the black beans from 方家铺子. The "black pearl" in beans can be boiled or fried, with a delicate taste. Harvested directly from the place of origin, carefully selected new local grains. It can be used to make black bean porridge, black bean milk, black bean soup, black bean soaked in vinegar and other delicacies.
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# 我的囤货清单 # # 方家铺子 # # 日常回购 # # 健康养生 # # 健康食品 # 答应我,一定要试试这款! 都知道五黑食物可以补肝养肾健脾,乌发固发,软化血管抗衰老。 那一定要来试试方家铺子的黑豆。 豆类中的“黑珍珠”,可煮可炒,口感细腻。 产地直采,颗颗精选当地新粮。 可以做黑豆粥、黑豆浆、黑豆汤以及醋泡黑豆等等美食。