#亚米宝藏新品大赏 ##晒出你的美丽心机 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation302497b 25dc747d69cc26d17fcb8634b # # 我的囤货清单 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # Nowadays, many girls pay great attention to maintenance. In addition to applying cosmetics, sometimes eating is also necessary. Xueyan is a natural gelatinous secretion, similar to peach gum in nature, mainly produced in tropical and subtropical regions, and has good nourishing effects. 方家铺子 Snow swallow is a brushed plant snow bird's nest, full of plant gelatin, very good as a sweet soup companion. The foaming rate is high, and it can be drawn directly after soaking for 12 hours. After soaking, the impurities are quickly removed, steamed in water for 15 minutes, and then poured into the boiled sugar water, you can eat a mouthful of collagen. You can also cook peach gum snow swallow saponin rice soup with their peach gum saponin rice, the taste is even better!
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# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 方家铺子 # # 我的囤货清单 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # 如今很多女生都非常注重保养,除了平时涂抹化妆品之外,有时候吃也是很有必要的。 雪燕是一种天然胶状分泌物,性质类似桃胶,主要产自热带和亚热带地区,滋补功效好。 方家铺子雪燕是拉丝植物雪燕窝,植物胶质满满,做甜汤伴侣非常好。泡发率高,泡发12个小时就直接可以拉丝了。 泡发之后,杂质很快就剔除了,隔水蒸了15分钟,再倒进已经煮好的糖水里面,就能吃到满口胶原蛋白啦。 也可以跟他们家的桃胶皂角米一起煮桃胶雪燕皂角米羹,味道更不错哦!