#2022年中大促囤货指南# #我的囤货清单# #摸着良心来种草啦# #Happy order Happy life!# #方家铺子# As a 25+ girl who has entered the health care team, she still attaches great importance to food supplements and health care😉 Since I started to enter the bird's nest until now, I have eaten more than 10 types of bird's nest I have also tried instant bird's nest, fresh stewed bird's nest, and dried bird's nest Because I didn't know too much about bird's nest at the beginning, I just started to try So start with the price-performance ratio and eat instant bird’s nest😁 But I still did a lot of homework. Because eating bird's nest is mainly to eat the content of bird's nest in it, and there is an ingredient, which should be simple and without adding The taste is okay, and it is quite smooth to drink. The sweetness is also good, not greasy. Yansi is relatively uniform, and the price/performance ratio is quite high. Instant bird's nest is quite suitable for lazy people to maintain their health. The main reason is that it is convenient. If you are busy with work and life and have no time to cook, instant bird's nest saves a lot of time-consuming steps. Beginners can start with instant bird's nest If you consider the content of bird’s nest, you can buy 方家铺子. The overall cost performance and taste are not bad. 🤗
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # Happy order Happy life! # # 方家铺子 # 作为一名已步入养生队伍的25+女生,对于食补养生这一块还是很重视的😉 自从开始入坑燕窝到现在,吃过的燕窝也不下10款了 即食燕窝、鲜炖燕窝、干燕窝也都尝试过 因为我最开始也不是太了解燕窝,只是先开始尝试 所以就从性价比入手了即食燕窝吃😁 但是我真的还是做了蛮多功课的 因为吃燕窝主要是吃里面的燕窝含量的,还有就是一个配料,要简单无添加的 口感还可以,喝着挺爽滑的。甜度也还好,不腻。燕丝比较均匀,性价比也挺高。 即食燕窝还是挺适合懒人养生的,主要是方便,工作生活忙碌没时间炖煮,即食燕窝就省去很多费时步骤。新手养生可以先从即食燕窝搞起 考虑燕窝含量的可以买方家铺子,综合性价比和口感都还不错。🤗