# 2022亚米开学季 # Cook well at the beginning of school. Daily 7: Black pepper sauce + fried veal steak. I sliced the publix steak I bought from instacart yesterday, and saved some of it for roasting tomorrow. The fat in the corners is not easy to cut, so I marinate it with salt and black pepper and fry it directly in the pan. After frying, I found that the seasoning was lacking...it was totally tasteless, but it was ok...I suddenly remembered the [Lee Kum Kee Black Pepper Sauce] bought by Yami that had been in the refrigerator for a long time, saving the failed steak house Who am I! I still haven't used it though... it's going to take a long time to save this.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 开学也要好好做饭日常7:黑胡椒酱+煎小牛排。昨天把instacart买的publix牛排给切片了,一部分留着明天做烤肉。边角带脂肪的不好切,就用盐和黑胡椒腌了下直接下锅煎了。煎完之后发现调料放少了...完全没味儿可还行...忽然想起来冰箱里那瓶放了很久的亚米买的【李锦记 黑椒汁】,拯救做失败的小牛排舍我其谁!然而我还是没用完...省这点又要吃很久。