# 2022亚米开学季 # Cook well at the beginning of school. Daily 9: Consume the remaining chicken seasoning. I didn't find this tag, and added the same brand of sour soup fat beef tag. It was bought by Yami as mentioned before [Taste Lao, Authentic Sichuan Flavor Red Oil Bobo Chicken Cold Eat Skewer Seasoning 190g], although the amount of one serving is smaller than Yumei's, but I can eat it 3 times by myself. At first, I couldn't eat it for two days in a row, and the rest was put in a box to freeze. When I was on a business trip, I was too lazy to cook, so I thawed this and st0 some lotus root slices, bamboo shoots, and mushroom balls into it to make do with it.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 开学也要好好做饭日常9:消耗剩下的钵钵鸡调料。没搜出来这个的tag,加了同牌子的酸汤肥牛tag。是之前说过的亚米买的【口味捞 地道川味 红油钵钵鸡冷吃串串调料 190g】,虽然一份的量比与美的少,但是我一个人也能吃3次了。最开始连着吃了两天吃不动了,剩下的一点点就放在了盒子里冷冻。呆斌出差我懒得做饭,就把这个解冻,塞了些藕片笋片蘑菇丸子进去凑合一下。