# 2022亚米开学季 # 1. Japan S&B Microwaveable Japanese Curry Sauce with Vegetables Medium Spicy 210g. It's delicious and convenient. Slightly spicy at most, people like Dian Bin who can't eat spicy only say that there is a little bit of spicy. The spiciness in Japan is unbelievable, I eat it and it is completely sweet. Its curry is really amazing. The ordinary curry blocks of the SB series are not good, but this bagged curry is very good.. I still don’t understand why there is such a big difference. I will try to use broth next time to make curry. piece.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 1.日本S&B 可微波含蔬菜日式咖喱酱 中辣 210g。挺好吃的,方便。微辣吧顶多,呆斌这种不能吃辣的人都只说了有那一么一点点辣。日本的辣是不能信的,我吃着就完全是甜的。它家的咖喱真的神奇,SB系列的普通咖喱块不出彩,但是这种袋装咖喱就调的很好..我至今不明白为啥有这么大差别,下次我试试看用broth冲咖喱块。