# 2022亚米开学季 # 2. Fuying Spicy Cabbage 120g. delicious. I've tried all those nasty spicy cabbage in our Yachao freezer, and I'm going to Yami. This spicy cabbage is not sour, it is the lowest sour cabbage I have ever eaten, China, Japan, South Korea and the United States are counted together. Very North-East Korean, which is to say, sweet. It's not as sweet as it is, it's delicious when it is used to make spicy cabbage and stir-fried pork belly! Hope to add a little acidity though...too low acidity...
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# 2022亚米开学季 # 2.阜盈 辣白菜 120g。很好吃。我已经把我们亚超冷藏柜里那些难吃的辣白菜都试过了,转战亚米。这个辣白菜不酸,是我吃过的酸味最低的辣白菜,中日韩美四个国家算一起。非常的东北朝鲜风,也就是说,甜。倒不是齁人的甜,这个拿来做辣白菜炒五花肉才好吃呢!不过希望增加一点点酸度吧...酸味太低……