# 2022亚米开学季 # Irvins Singapore Salted Egg Yolk Salmon Skin has always been one of my favorite snacks. The crispy fish skin is wrapped in a thick egg yolk. Most of Irvins' fish skins are whole pieces of fish skin. Although there are some broken ones, most of them are intact. The whole family will quickly get the disc when they sit together. It is really addicting to eat!
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# 2022亚米开学季 # Irvins 新加坡咸蛋黄三文鱼皮一直是我最爱的零食之一,酥脆的鱼皮裹着厚厚的蛋黄酥,又香又酥又脆,真的太好吃啦!Irvins的鱼皮大都是整片的大片鱼皮,虽然也有碎的,但大部分很完整,一家人坐一起很快就光盘,真是一吃就会上瘾啊!