# 2022亚米开学季 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 亚米虎年红包 # # Summerskincare # # 我的囤货清单 # Yam powder that can be used as meal replacement powder is a must for people with poor spleen and stomach! I often go to work in the morning before I can eat breakfast. I am afraid of getting sick if I don’t eat breakfast, so I consider a convenient and fast way to have breakfast. Of course, health is the first priority. The online nutritious breakfast is all over the top. I saw this on Yami. Xianfangjiapuzi yam powder, just bought it and tried it. The result of the trial is very good. This yam powder is a plant-based solid drink. It has no medicinal taste and a little sweetness. It is very convenient to brew. It is suitable for meal replacements, especially for people with poor spleen and stomach. The cooked yam powder has a strong taste and is very fragrant after brewing. Delicious, drink a cup, feel warm in the stomach, you can make breakfast.
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# 2022亚米开学季 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 亚米虎年红包 # # Summerskincare # # 我的囤货清单 # 可以做代餐粉的山药粉,脾胃不好人必喝! 经常早晨上班来不及吃早餐就到单位上班了,不吃早餐又怕生病,于是考虑方便快捷的早餐方式,当然健康还是第一位的,网上营养早餐都挑花眼了,在亚米上看到这款方家铺子山药粉,就买来试试,试吃的结果很不错哦。 这个山药粉是一款植物固体饮料,没有药味,带一丁点甜,冲饮很方便,适合做代餐,特别适合脾胃不好的人吃,山药熟粉味道很浓郁,冲泡后很香很好喝,喝一杯,胃里都觉得暖暖的,可以做早餐。