# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Chen Yunbaoquan's taro cake has been repurchased many times. It is one of the most delicious cakes in my opinion. How can it be missing during the Mid-Autumn Festival? The skin of the taro crisp is very soft and rich in layers. The filling of the taro paste is sufficient, dense and soft, sweet, and the whole is not too sweet.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 陈允宝泉亿万两芋头酥已回购很多次,是我觉得最好吃的酥饼之一,中秋佳节怎么能少了它呢。 芋头酥表皮非常松软,层次丰富,芋泥馅料足,绵密软糯,清甜,整体不会过甜。