# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation70036f 20600d4442a8134e6b17b780d8 ##我的囤货清单##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation8c9a0bb02f2843469b5aac4bf13c545 5# A longan three-flavored medicine is more effective than ginseng! Invigorate qi and blood, strengthen physical fitness, improve intelligence and soothe the nerves, and sleep soundly~ Natural health ingredients-lantern longan meat, northern ginseng, southern longan, longan meat is a nourishing and health-preserving ingredient, eating a few of them every day can nourish the mind and calm the nerves, and give you a strong calorie! ! ! Lantern longan meat is big and plump. When touched by hand, the surface is smooth and round, with a lot of water. Eat it directly, the entrance is sweet but not greasy, the faint scent of longan overflows the mouth, the taste is fresh and refreshing, the lips and teeth are fragrant, one after another, you can't stop at all~
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# 晒出你的美丽心机 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # Summerskincare # # 我的囤货清单 # # 方家铺子 # 一颗桂圆三味药,这么吃比人参还管用!补气血,强体质,益智安神睡得香~ 天然的养生食材一灯笼桂圆肉,北人参、南桂圆,桂圆肉是滋补养生的食材,每天吃几颗可以养心安神,强烈打cal!!! 灯笼桂圆肉个头很大很饱满,用手摸起来,表面是光滑圆润的,水分多。 直接食用,入口甜而不腻,淡淡的桂圆香溢满口,口感清新爽口,唇齿流香,一粒接一粒,根本就停不下来~