#Happy order Happy life! ##亚米虎年红包 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationd1949c8ff b26414fbf7702bce8c68e69 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation b9404366c06d44d088fb8d3b1474e484 # # 我的囤货清单 # Autumn and winter are dry, and the most important thing for health preservation is nourishing yin and moistening lungs, nourishing qi and blood. In terms of nourishing yin, the most suitable medicinal material is Polygonatum odoratum, which is sweet in taste and slightly cold in nature. , the effect of promoting body fluid and quenching thirst. Friends around me really like to put polygonatum in soup, and I also like the taste of polygonatum, which is mild and comfortable to drink. Polygonatum can be combined with other different medicinal materials, delicious and healthy✨ 👍polygonatum + Ophiopogon japonicus, nourishing yin and stomach Ophiopogon japonicus benefits the stomach and promotes body fluid. The combination of the two can relieve autumn dryness and dry mouth and tongue, and make the whole person moisturized 👍polygonatum + astragalus, nourishing yin and qi Astragalus membranaceus is sweet and warm, invigorates qi and spleen, and the combination of the two complements each other, nourishing yin and moistening intestines, invigorating qi and laxative. 方家铺子 focuses on nourishing, these ingredients can be bought at their home.
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# Happy order Happy life! # # 亚米虎年红包 # # 方家铺子 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 我的囤货清单 # 秋冬干燥,养生最重要滋阴润肺,补气补血,在养阴方面,最适宜的药材莫过于玉竹了,玉竹味甘,性微寒,入肺、胃经,具有养阴润燥、生津止渴的功效。 身边朋友煲汤真的很喜欢放玉竹,我自己也很喜欢玉竹的味道,喝起来温和舒服。 玉竹可以跟其他不同药材搭配,美味健康✨ 👍玉竹+麦冬,滋阴养胃 麦冬益胃生津,两者搭配,可以缓解秋燥伤及胃阴之口舌干燥,整个人都变得滋润 👍玉竹+黄芪,滋阴补气 黄芪甘温,补气益脾,两者搭配相辅相成,滋阴润肠、补气通便。 方家铺子专注滋补,这些食材都可以在他们家买到哦。