#2022年中大促囤货指南 ##AddictiveAsianSnack ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation5499ffe03e8 c43be8b38f6dcc78b2268 # # 亚米虎年红包 # # 方家铺子 # Don't look good after working overtime and staying up late? Insomnia and restlessness? Why not try a jujube. As the saying goes, if you eat three dates a day, you will not look old at sixty. In this era of health preservation for all, red dates have been promoted as the most important nutritious food. If you don’t eat a jujube every day, you will be ashamed to call yourself a health expert. But now that the market is crowded and there is only a heart for health preservation, it is really sad not to be able to eat good dates. As we all know, Xinjiang produces extraordinarily sweet fruits due to its geographical location, and red dates are no exception. There is a saying that the red dates in the world look at Xinjiang, the best dates in Xinjiang are in Ruoqiang, and the high-quality products of Ruoqiang are Loulan. 方家铺子Pitted gray jujube, Ruoqiang high-quality jujube, then depitted, more convenient to eat~
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # # AddictiveAsianSnack # # 我的囤货清单 # # 亚米虎年红包 # # 方家铺子 # 加班熬夜气色不好?失眠烦躁状态不佳?何不试试来颗枣。 俗话说的好,一日吃仨枣,六十不显老。在这个全民养生的时代,红枣晋升为首要滋补佳品,每天不吃颗枣都不好意思说自己是养生达人了呢。 但如今市场冗杂,徒有一颗养生心,吃不到好枣子真是分外难过。 众所周知,新疆因其地域原因所产水果分外香甜,红枣当然也不例外,有句话叫天下红枣看新疆,新疆好枣在若羌,若羌精品是楼兰,楼兰归来不尝枣。 方家铺子去核灰枣,若羌精品枣,再进行去核处理,食用更方便~